Pentax SMC-FA 20mm f/2.8 - Review / Test Report - Sample Images & Verdict |
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Sample Images
Here're some quick'n dirty sample shots taken with the K10D and RAW-converted via ACR 3.7.
Click on a thumbnail to view the original file (opens in a separate window). Please note that the originals are FULL SIZE
(=several megabytes) which requires quite some bandwidth for downloading so please don't waste the limited resources here.
Make |
PENTAX Corporation |

Model |
ISO Speed |
200 |
Focal Length |
Exposure Data: |
f/2.8 @ 1/1600s |
Size |
3872x2592 |
Make |
PENTAX Corporation |

Model |
ISO Speed |
200 |
Focal Length |
Exposure Data: |
f/2.8 @ 1/4000s |
Size |
2592x3872 |
Make |
PENTAX Corporation |

Model |
ISO Speed |
200 |
Focal Length |
Exposure Data: |
f/8.0 @ 1/800s |
Size |
2592x3872 |
Make |
PENTAX Corporation |

Model |
ISO Speed |
200 |
Focal Length |
Exposure Data: |
f/8.0 @ 1/320s |
Size |
2531x3841 |
The Pentax SMC-FA 20mm f/2.8 is a pretty good lens but the current SMC-DA 21mm f/3.2 Limited
is a little better all-in-all. That said the differences aren't really pronounced enough to
justify an upgrade if you own the older lens. The general performance is actually very good
except at wide-open aperture where the FA 20mm f/2.8 suffers from a relatively weak border
performance combined with rather low contrast and high vignetting. To be fair that's a fate
it shares with many lenses in this range. From f/4 onwards the situation is much better with
an excellent center quality and good to very good borders.
The amount for barrel distortions is a bit too pronounced for a fix-focal lens whereas CAs
are only a real problem beyond f/8. The build quality of the lens is Ok but it can't really
rival the Pentax Limited series here.
Optical Quality: |
Mechanical Quality: |  |
Price/Performance: | discontinued |